Up 1D Opening 1C Opening 1Major Opening
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Peter T. Cheung
Very Simple Cheung's 5 card
System for match point competition
Rev 3.00
Basic features:-
5 card
major (Any 5+ card suit Major with 11 to 21 high card point, 10 high card point
with a good 6 card suit or a 5+ card side suit).
Burgen raises and 2/1 for the majors.
5 card
minor, 1D opening for exactly one 5+ card minor suit (either club or diamond) 11 + to
Multi 1C
forcing bid (include two types of hands: - 1. 11-21 high card points with no 5
card suit. 2. 10 to 21 high card points and at least 5+5 in clubs and
diamonds) 1D is negative response with 0-5 HCP and 1H, 1S and 1NT are
limited to 6-12 HCP, and 2 level responses are 12+ HCP and game forcing.
Two over
one responses with less than 11 HCP are allowed for special long solid suit
(e.g. AKQXXX or AKXXXXX and an outside K)
Undisciplined Weak two with 6 cards and 5 to 11- high card (Ogust, RONF by
non-pass hand)
HC points
use simplify version 4 for A, 3 for K, 2 for Q 1 for J
Long suits 1 for 5
cards 2 for 6 cards 3 for 7 cards etc.
Short suits only after
a good fit is found
For opener, partner has 3 card
support, 2 for void,1 for singleton, .5 for doubleton
For opener, partner has 4 card
support, 3 for void,2 for singleton, 1 for doubleton
For responder with 3 card
support, 3 for void, 2 for singleton, 1 for doubleton
For responder with 4 card
support, 5 for void, 3 for singleton, 1 for doubleton