1D 1H
1D 1S


Since ACBL will not allow both 1C and 1D to be forcing I have to make 1D not forcing.

Opening  1D  11-21 with exactly one 5+ card minor suit either C or D 

respond bid HCP Conditions
PASS      0-5

4+ D   (5HC 4D  or  4HC 5D  or  3HC 6D  or  0-2HC  7+D)

1H  6-11 4+ H
**** 1H **** 0-5  anything except with D       special bid  ****
1S 6-12- 4+ S
1NT 6-12- no 4 card Majors
2C 12+ 4+ C
2D 12+ 4+ D (do not bypass diamond if 16+)
2H 12+ 4+ H
2S 12+ 4+ S
2NT 12-13 no 4 card major
3NT 14-15 no 4 card major

 The 1D opener ‘s next natural bid in a minor suit defines the 5+ card minor suit