The WebBench Main Page

About the WebBench Main Page

To view records that need attention or are overdue

  1. Click the WebBench Main tab to open the WebBench Main page.
  2. In the Manager's To Do List, locate the proper item--Requisitions, Resumes, Interviews, or Offers--for which you want to view records, and look in the proper column: Need Attention or Overdue.
  3. Click the number corresponding to the desired type of record. A page showing a list of the appropriate records appears.

About the WebBench Main Page

The WebBench Main page contains key information about what's most critical for your contribution to the hiring process. In one place, you can tell what requisitions, resumes, interviews, and offers most need your attention. You can go directly to any of those items, as well as to other parts of the application, and you can log off the application to end your session.

Of the elements in the WebBench Main page, you'll also find two throughout the application--tabs and text links (see Tabs, Pages, and Text Links). Three elements, however, are unique to the WebBench Main page: The Manager's To Do List, The Message Marquee, and The Log Off Button.

You can go directly to items that need your attention from this page by clicking a number in the Manager's To Do List. You can go to any stage or module in the application by clicking a tab along the left side of the page.

The Manager's To Do List

At the top of the page bearing the heading "Welcome to WebBench" and your name, the Manager's To Do List shows you what you most need to take action on. This list displays items that have been in the system for a set number of days without your review. For each number on the list, you can display a list of all records represented by that number by clicking it. (Text you can click is called a text link.) Items appear on the list in the order corresponding to the stages you typically follow in hiring a candidate--that is, the Requisition, Manager Review, Interview, and Offer stages. Once you've displayed a list of records that need attention or are overdue, you can click a text link on this list to go to an individual record.

The Need Attention and Overdue columns show records that have remained inactive for a certain number of days. If you haven't given your feedback on a particular item--that is, if you haven't advanced it at least one step through the hiring process--for this number of days, it appears in the Need Attention column for its current stage. Likewise, an item remaining in Need Attention status after a certain number of days switches to the Overdue column for that stage. For example, if a requisition has been Pending for the set number of days and you haven't signaled your interest in, rejected, or placed on hold any of the resumes that the recruiter has found for it, it will appear in the Needs Attention column in the Requisitions row on the next day. Then, if that requisition remains an additional number of days without your acting on any resumes, it moves from the Need Attention to the Overdue column in the Requisitions row. Once a requisition moves to the Overdue column for a particular stage, it stays there until you act on it.

The number of days an item must be inactive before appearing in the Need Attention column or moving from there to the Overdue column is set by the system administrator. By default, the number is 10 days for Need Attention and 20 days for Overdue status.

The "Yellow Brick Road"

In most lists in Personic WebBench, you'll see one column that is highlighted in yellow and orange. This band, or Yellow Brick Road (for the variegated yellow shading to the rows) highlights the column that represents the most common next action to take in the hiring process. For example, in an Interviews That Need Attention list, the Status column is the Yellow Brick Road because clicking a choice in this column will take you to the next step for the given requisition.

The Message Marquee

Located directly below the Manager's To Do List, the Message Marquee is where your system administrator may post systemwide messages to all hiring managers at your company. Depending on your company's setup, your Message Marquee may also contain links to other internal or external Web sites. Text in the Message Marquee is read-only: that is, you may read but not edit or delete it. Your administrator maintains the contents of the Message Marquee in Personic Workflow's administrative application, PWadmin.

The Log Off Button

You can quit your Personic WebBench session and log off by clicking the Log Off button at the bottom center of the WebBench Main page. For procedures on logging off, see Ending Your Personic WebBench Session.
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