Losing Trick count
To summarize my finding in one sentence, losing trick count has not been a good predictor of the number of tricks the partnership will take. For almost all kinds of hands, from average to grand slam hands the losing trick count has not work as well as any other systems I have tested. This includes simple point count system or just controls without any adjustment for long and short suits. Here is an explanation of my results. The mathematical calculation used is the linear correlation coefficient. The coefficient varies from -1 to +1. The absolute value of the coefficient varies from 0 to 1. The closer to 1 the better is the two variables related to each other. As you can see from the sample general hands output, for suit contracts only, Correlation coefficient HCLS is 0.8874 HCL is 0.8466 HCP is 0.8070 LTC is -0.7414 control is 0.7764. Losing trick count is the worse of all. Correlation coefficient SPLS is 0.9133 SPL is 0.8748 SPA is 0.8407 SP is 0.8407, and that is for A=6, K=4, Q=1.8, J=0.8 with other adjustments. |