
Peter T. Cheung

Advance 5 card minor system for match point competition

Rev 3.03            04/29/2002

Basic features:-

1.     5 card major (Any 5+ card suit Major with 11 to 21 high card point and <8 ½ tricks, 10 high card point with a good 6 card suit or a 5+ card side suit)

2.     Standard Burgen raise for 1M opening.

3.     5 card minor, 1D opening for one 5+ card minor suit (either club or diamond) 11 + to 22+ <9 ½ tricks and not able to open NT.

4.     One level response to 1D, 1H and 1S are limited to 5+ to 12- HCP. 1H possible with less then 5 HCP if very few diamonds. Pass 0-5 HCP with some diamonds.

5.     Two level responses to 1X are 12+ HCP and game forcing (except minor suit can’t play 3NT)

6.     Multi 1C forcing bid (include three types of hands: -   1. 12-21 high card points with no 5 card suit.    2. 10 to 21 high card points and at least 5+5 in clubs and diamonds 3. strong hand 1.5 tricks away from game as minimum requirement or what a normal 2c strong bids)       1D is negative response with 0-5 HCP and 1H, 1S and 1NT are limited to 6-12- HCP, and 2 level responses are 12+ HCP and game forcing.

7.     Two over one responses with less than 11 HCP are allowed for special long solid suit (e.g. AKQXXX or AKXXXX and an outside K)

8.     Undisciplined Weak 2S and 2H with 6 cards and 5 to 10- HCP (Ogust, RONF by non-pass hand).

9.     Multi 2D bid for 5 cards H or S 8 to 10 HCP (2NT only forcing bid) or 4441 17 to 22 HCP

10. Multi-2C bid for 6 card 8-10 HCP club or 6 card 8-10 HCP diamond or 9-10 HCP 5 card diamond. Or 4441 11 to 16 HCP.

11. Most conventions are off after opponent double and overcall (use redouble as extra bid). Jump shifts are weak with opponent intervention. Cue bid is forcing bid. Double through 2S are not for penalty except 1NT opening X of 2D up is for penalty. Double can show 6-12- and not suit distribution. After one of Major opening and the opponent overcall at the two levels, cue bid is limit raise or better and all other game-forcing raises are off. With opponent overcall at the one or 2 level, new suit at 1 or 2 levels is forcing.

12. Overcall with 8 to 13- HCP (no game unless responder has a good opening hand.  Compete aggressively to 2S with minimum hand and 3 levels non-vulnerable with average hand.)

13. Take out double with 11+ to 17 HCP (minimum to average opening hand)

14. Direct 1 NT overcall or 2NT overcall over weak two bids are 15 to 18 balances HCP. Indirect seat is 11-14 HCP

15. Cue bid with 17+ HCP (strong opening hand) (except against 16+ artificial opening)

16. Uses Law of total tricks to estimate how many tricks there is out there.

17. DON’T against NT with aggressive usage in balance seat.



HC points              6 for A 4 for K 2 for Q 1 for J and adjust by ¾ factor

                                Most of the time use simplify version 4 for A, 3 for K, 2 for Q 1 for J

Long suits             1 for 5 cards 2 for 6 cards 3 for 7 cards etc.

Short suits             only after a good fit is found ( 8 or more trumps total)


If you have 4 or more trumps:-

1.             If your partner has 5 or more trumps 5 for void, 3 for singleton, 1 for doubleton

2.             If your partner has 4 or less trumps 3 for void, 2 for singleton, 1 for doubleton


If you have 3 trumps 3 for void, 2 for singleton, 1 for doubleton


If you have 2 trumps 2 for void, 1 for singleton


Do not count long suit for playing NT unless you are quite sure you can run the suit or have AK of the suit.



Copyright notice

This material is copyrighted and may NOT be sold or published in any form without the consent of Peter T. Cheung.



 Opening bid structure:-

1H                           5+ cards and 12-21 HCL (<8 ½ tricks)               (7.3%) (9.55 tricks)

1S                            5+ cards and 12-21 HCL (<8 ½ tricks)               (7.6%) (9.55 tricks)


1NT                        15-17 HC no singleton. No 5 card majors no 7 card minors (4.9%) (9.52 tricks)

1D                           12-21HCL (<9 tricks) and one 5+ card minor suit (11.1%) (9.4 tricks)

1C                           (8.9%)

1.        12 to 21 HC no 5 card suit :-

a. 12 to 14 HC        (6.53%) (8.73 tricks) (73% of total)

                                                                b. 18 to19 HC        (0.9%) (10 tricks) (10% of total)

2.        HCL at least 5+5 in C and D (0.5%) (10 tricks) (5.6% of total)

3.        1.5 tricks from game     (0.42%)   (11.3 tricks) (4.7% of total)

2NT                        20-21 HC                (0.53%) (10.6 tricks) (6% of total)

2H                           6-10 HC 6 cards any shape and strength in trump (1.78%) (8.5 tricks)



2S                            6-10 HC 6 cards any shape and strength in trump (1.78%) (8.5 tricks)



2C                           (6.3%) (One less HCP required if AK in trump suit)

8-10 HC 6 cards Club any shape and strength in trump (1.17%) (8.7 tricks)

                                8-10 HC 6 cards Diamond any shape and strength in trump (1.17%) (8.7 tricks)

9-10 HC 5 cards Diamond any shape and strength in trump (2.34%) (8.5 tricks)

                                11-16 HC 4441 (1.6%) (9.56 tricks)

2D                           (6.9%)

8-10 HC 5 cards Spade any shape and any strength in trump (3.45%) (8.4 tricks)

8-10 HC 5 cards Heart any shape and any strength in trump (3.45%) (8.4 tricks)

17-22 HC 4441 (0.26%) (10.75 tricks)


3C, 3D, 3H, 3S       5-10 HC 7+ cards

4C                           7+ card in H           8 to 81/2 tricks

4D                           7+ card in S           8 to 81/2 tricks

3NT                        7+ cards in C or D Solid suit AKQ no outside A or K

4H, 4S                     7+ cards                 7 to 8 tricks or longer suit

5C, 5D                    7+ cards to play    no chance to make 3NT




Abbreviations used:-


                        M                            Major suit

                M’                           the other major suit

                m                             minor suit

                m’                            The other minor suit

                X, Y, Z                    the other unbid suit

                F                              forcing

                NF                           non-forcing

                I                               invitation

                GI                            game invitation

                SI                            slam invitation

                GF                           game forcing

                SF                           slam forcing

                R                             red suits D or H

                B                             black suit C or S

                Pt                            pointed suits D or S

                Rd                           rounded suit C or H

                P                              Pass

                Dbl                          double

                Rdbl                        redouble

                Rel                          relay

                Ask                         Asking bid

                Cue                         cue bid (next suit if opponent has bid two suit)

                CUE                        if opponent has bid two suits cue bid skipping one suit (usually stronger bid)

                J                              jump in suit

                DJ                           double jump in suit

                JS                            jump shift

                DJS                         double jump shift

                HC                          high card point

                HCL                        high card point plus long suit

                HCLS                      high card point plus long suit plus short suit



General description of the System: -


a.               Five card major with Burgen raise and Jacoby 2NT: -


1.       The 1st priority of opening a hand with a 5+ card Major suit is 1M. The weakest hand is a five-card suit, no splinter and 11 HC points. The weakest two suited is a five card Major suit and a five-card side suit and 10 HC point with 7 HC in the two long suits. The strongest hand is an 8 trick hand.

2.       The responder to 1 of a Major will describe its strength and number of trump support. Most hands other than 10-11 with 3 trumps and 6-7 with 3 trumps are described in one bid.

3.       Never open 1M with 4 cards.

4.       Double raise is weak 0-6 4 trumps. Bid 4D with 0-4 5+ trumps and 4M with 5-6 5+ trumps.

5.       Double raise in competition is weak. System off in competition.

6.       Conventional raises are 2NT 13+ 4+ trumps no splinter, 3NT 13-16 3 trumps, 4C 16+ 3 trumps, 3M’ is 13+ 4+ trumps with a splinter.

7.       1NT is forcing.

8.       All bids by passed hand have the same meaning except in a few cases off by 1 HCP. Reverse two ways Drury.




b.       5 card minor: -


1.       When there is exactly one minor suit 5 card or longer open with 1D. (11-21 HC)

2.       When there is no 5 card suit open 1C (12-21 HC)

3.       When there is at least 5+5 in C and D open 1C (10-21 HC)

4.       All bids of 2C in the Standard American system will be opened as 1C (22+ HC or 1.5 tricks from game)

5.       Double raise is undefined and not use yet.

6.       Single raise is forcing. All 2 level bids are 12+ HC or forcing to game except to 3 of the minor if unable to play in 3NT.

7.       1C opening is forcing with 0-5 HC bid 1D as the negative response.

8.       All other 1 level responses to 1C are 6-12 HC.

9.       1D opening is not forcing (forcing is not allowed by ACBL). If < 6 HC and very few diamonds bid 1H.

10.    Response to 1m opening with 6-12 points is 1M where M is the first Major suit with 4 + cards and 1NT if no 4 card Major suit is found.

11.    Response to 1m opening with 12+ points is 2M where M is the first Major suit with 4+ cards and 2m where m is the first minor suit with 5+ cards or 4 cards with 2 of top 3 honors.  Otherwise 2NT (12-13) or 3NT (14-15) is bid.

12.    The strong 1C opener will rebid 2D most of the time.

13.    The 1C opener with 5+5 in C and D must rebid 2C with 10-16 HCP or 3C (sometimes 3M) with 17-21 HCP. Any bid in club as the first rebid by the 1C opener is 5/5 in the minors.


c.       Normal 15-17 1NT opening:-


1.       2C is non forcing Stayman. Response is 2D if no 4 cards Major, 2H is 4 hearts and does not deny 4 spades, and 2S is 4 spades and deny 4 hearts.

2.       If the response is 2D, a 2H rebid is a busted hand looking to play in 2H or 2S

3.       If the response is 2D, a 3M response is 4 card M and 5 card M’.

4.       Invite to game with exactly 9-point (high card + length) hand

5.       Forcing to game with all 10-point hand.

6.       A 3m rebid is game forcing with 6+ cards or slam invitation with 5+ cards.

7.       Jacoby transfer for the Majors.

8.       Texas transfer for the Majors

9.       2S is the minor suit stayment or 3D bust.

10.    2NT is 3c bust or 4441.

11.    3C/3D invitation to 3NT 6+ cards

12.    3H/3S response to 1NT is 6+ slams try.

13.    Over interference Lebensohl is on slow shows stopper. System on over X or 2c.




d.       Normal 20-21 2NT opening: -


1.       3C is Stayman.

2.       Jacoby and Texas transfer for the Majors.

3.       3S is minor suit Stayman. Bid 3NT if no 4 card minor suit.


e.       Weak 2 with 5 or 6 cards:-


1.       2H and 2S are 5 to 10 HC with 6 card suit..2NT is Ogust, RONF.

2.       2D is 8 to 10 HC 5 card H or S. 2NT only forcing bid. Response 3C H weak suit, 3D S weak suit. 3H H strong suit, 3S S strong suit.

3.       2C is 8 to 10 HC 6 card C or D, or 9 to 10 HC 5 card D. 2NT only forcing bid. Response 3C C weak suit, 3D D weak suit. 3H C strong suit, 3S D strong suit.


f.        Direct NT overcall is 15-18 HC


1.       Direct 1NT overcall or 2NT overcall against weak two bid are 15-18HC with at least one stopper in suit bid.

2.       System is on after the NT overcall.

3.       Balance NT overcall is 11-14 HC with at least one stopper in suit bid

4.       Unusual NT is for the two lower unbid at least 5+5 in the minors or 5+4 in hearts and a minor.


g.       Aggressive overcall against NT opening: -


1.       Overcall with 9 or more HC points.

2.       DONT



h.       Over opponents take out double:-


1.       Most system conventions are off (except 1NT opening where system is on over X). Use conventional system.

2.       XX no fit or no known suit, 2NT limit or better. Jump shift is weak. Simple bid is 6 to 10 points.


i.         Negative, responsive, support, maximal doubles:-


1.       Negative double through 4D (sometimes the double is showing HCP but very seldom for penalty).

2.       Responsive double through 4D always.

3.       Support double and redouble through 2H for opener only.

4.       Never Rdbl to play. If there is no other meaning it is SOS.

5.       When competing with opposition 1x-2Y-2x-3Y-?? , 3x is competitive and anything else is game try.  If there is no room between 3Y and 3x double (maximal double) is a game try and not for penalty.




j.         Simple overcall is light:-


1.       6-12 HCP light overcall at the one level and 8 to 13 HCP at the two levels. And 10 to 14 HCP at the three level.

2.       The objective of the overcall is to make life difficult for opponent to bid.

3.       A light overcall is used if it is either lead directing (has A or KQ etc.) or take up bidding space (1C- 1S or 1D - 2C etc.). 1C 1D is either a solid overcall or lead directing.

4.       A new suit response is non-forcing and the guide line is similar to responding to weak 2 bids. (A new suit usually means the responder has 2- in the over caller’s suit. With 3+ cards in support either PASS or raise over caller’s suit. A new suit sometimes is lead directing, with a void in over caller’s suit, can bid any 5 card suit, with a singleton in over caller’s suit, bid any 5 card suit at the same level, or any good 5 card suit at a higher level. With 2 cards in over caller’s suit can bid any good 5-card suit or 6-card suit at the same level, or a good 6-card suit at a higher level. Rdbl is SOS by both hands.

5.       Cue bid is the only forcing bid and must has at least an average opening hand (14+)

6.       Jump raise is weak and jump shift is invitational.


k.       Opening preempts at higher level:-


1.       Three level preempts are 7 card suit with no trump discipline.

2.       NAMYAT for the Majors. 4C/4D is strong 4H/4S bid.


l.         Cue bid:-


1.       Direct cue bid is 16+ HCP and is the only strong competing bid. (Off against 16+ opening)

2.       Jump direct cue bid is a natural bid with a long suit. (E.g. 1D - 3D is a simple overcall in D)


m.      Gerber: -


1.       A bid of 4C over 1st and last 1NT, 2NT or 3NT is Gerber.

2.       When 4C Gerber is available, 4NT is always quantitative invitation to slam. 5C ask for K.


n.       4NT key card: -


1.       Use 1430 (5C = 1 or 4, 5D = 0 or 3)

2.       5NT ask for K and answer specific K.

3.       Interference use DOPI and ROPI.

4.       If no agreed suit last bid suit is the suit.


o.       There are many asking and relay bids in the system.


1.       If there is an asking and a relay bid at the point of the bidding sequence, the next step is the relay bid and the next, next step is the asking bid. (e.g. 1S-2S- next step is 2NT relay to 3C for help suit game try and next, next step is 3C asking for game try with splinter in C or maximum HC)

2.        Response to asking bid is usually by steps (next step is C next step is D etc.) and the suit which is not possible will be by passed (e.g. 1H-2H- 2NT game try with splinter in C, next step 3C is game try with splinter in D and 3D is game try with splinter in S because there cannot be splinter in H)


p.    Leads:-


1.       Standard leads with A from Akx. K from AK doubleton.

2.        When leading a suit that we have not bid, a low card is either a singleton, or has one of the top 3 honors.

3.       Otherwise lead 4th best

4.       In NT lead top of nothing

5.       In NT A ask partner to drop highest card and K ask for attitude

6.       In suit use MUD.  A high Low indicate even number of cards in the suit and most likely a doubleton


q.       Defensive carding: -


1.       Odd even discard.

2.       Smith Echo.  Play High Low when declarer draw trump or run a long suit indicates you like the opening lead.

3.       Semi obvious shift on opening lead.  Playing a low card on partner’s opening lead tends to tell partner you can stand the obvious shift.


r.     Over opponent preemptive bids:-


1.       Over weak twos double is for take out, and response to double is Lebensolb. (e.g. 2H-dbl-PASS-2NT 2NT is relay to 3C.  A bid of 2S is to play, a bid of 3S is forcing and a bid of 2NT relay to 3C then 3S is invitational. Also a bid of 3D directly is forcing and a bid of 2NT relay to 3C then 3D is to play.)

2.       Over weak twos, 2NT is equal to a normal 15-18 NT overcall and system is on.

3.       Over weak 3 bids double is mostly for take out.

4.       Simple overcall to 2 levels is 8-14; X is 13 to 16 cue bid is 16+.

5.       At 3 levels overcall is 11-16 and X is 16+.                                                                                                                                                                                                       






Opening 1C       (11-21   0 or 2   five cards minor or 22+ 1.5 tricks from game)


                1D           0-5           negative

                1H           6-12         4+ H

                1S            6-12         4+ S

                1NT        6-12         no 4 card M

                2C           12+          4+ C

                2D           12+          4+ D

                2H           12+          4+ H

                2S            12+          4+S

                2NT        13-14       no 4 card M

                3NT        15-16       no 4 card M          



1C           1D           0-5 point’s negative response

                                1H           11-21       no 5 card suit   4 H

                                                P              4+ H

                                                1S            no 4 H   has 4 or 5 S

                                                                P              4 S

                                                                1NT        no 4 S

                                                1NT        no 4 H or S

                                                2C           6+ long C

                                                2D           6+ long D

                                                2H           4+H         6+HCLS

                                                2S            6+ long S

1C           1D           1S            11-21       no 4 H has 4 or 5 S

                                                PASS      4+ S

                                                1NT        no 4 S

                                                2C           6+ long C

                                                2D           6+ long D

2H           6+ long H

                                                2S            4+ S        6+HCLS

1C           1D           1NT        11-21       no 4 card M


                                                2C           6+ long C

                                                2D           6+ long D

2H           6+ long H

2S            6+ long S

1C           1D           2C           11-21       at least 5+5 in C and D

                                                PASS      choose C

                                                2D           choose D

1C            1D           2D           22+          strong 2C bid 2 point step

                                                2H           0-1 points

                                                2S            2-3 points

                                                2NT         4-5 points                               

1C           1D           2H           22+          5+ H strong 2C bid

1C           1D           2S            22+          5+ S strong 2C bid

1C           1D           2NT        22-23       balance hand strong 2C bid

1C           1D           3C           22+          5+ C strong 2C bid  

1C           1D           3D           22+          5+ D strong 2C bid

1C           1D           3NT        24-26       balance hand strong 2C bid




1C           1H           1S            11-21       3- H  4 S

                                                PASS      6              4 S (or 3 S)

                                                1NT        6-9           3- S

                                                2C           10-11       artificial game try with 5+ H

                                                                2D           11-15       1 H

                                                                2H           11-15       2 H

                                                                2S            11-12       3 H

                                                                2NT        13-14     3 H

                                                                3C           16-20       1 H

                                                                3D           16-18     2 H

                                                                3H           19-21       3 H

                                                                3NT        19-21       2 H

                                                                4H           15-18       3 H                         

                                                2D           10-11       artificial game try with 4 H

                                                                2NT        11-15                                                                                                                                                                       3NT        16-21      

                                                2H           6-9           5+  H  do not want to play NT

                                                2S            7-9           4+  S       (1M - 2M game try follows)

                                                3S            10-11       4+  S       (Slam try follows)

1C           1H           1NT        11-16       3-  S        3-  H

                                                PASS      6-9

                                                2C           10-11       artificial game try with 5+ H

                                                                2D           11-15       1 H

                                                                2H           11-13       2 H          or            11-12       3H

                                                                2S            14-15       2 H          game try

                                                                2NT        13-14     3 H            game try

                                                                3C           16-21       1 H

                                                                3D           16-18     2 H

                                                                3H           19-21       3 H

                                                                3NT        19-21       2 H

                                                                4H           15-18       3 H                         

                                                2D           not used

1C           1H           2C           11-16       at least 5+5 in C and D

                                                PASS      6-9           no fit

                                                2D           6-9           to play

                                                2H           6-9           6+  H

                                                2S            6-9           at least 5+5 in H and S

                                                2NT        10-11       game try  Stopper in both Majors                    

                                                3C           10-11       4+  C

                                                3D           10-11     4+  D

1C           1H           2D           21+          strong 2C bid asking for strength 2 pt step

                                                2H           6-7

                                                2S            8-9

                                                2NT        10-11

                                                                3C           21+          5+ C        (only way to show C)

1C           1H           2H           11-15       4 H

1C           1H           2S            22+          5+ S strong 2c bid

1C           1H           2NT        17-18       balance hand

1C           1H           3C           17-19       5+5 in C and D (4C/4D keycard)

 1C          1H           3D                           not used

1C           1H           3H           16-18       4  H

1C           1H           3S            20-21       5+5 in C and D (there is no natural 3S bid) (4C/4D keycard)




1C           1H           3NT        19-21       balance hand

1C           1H           4H           19-21       4  H

1C           1S            1NT        11-16       3-  S       

                                                PASS      6-9

                                                2C           10-11       artificial game try with 5+ S

                                                                2D           11-15       1 S

                                                                2H           11-13       2 S           or            11-12       3 S

                                                                2S            14-15       2 S                          

                                                                2NT        13-14     3 S

                                                                3C           16-20       1 S

                                                                3D           16-18     2 S

                                                                3S            19-20       3 S

                                                                3NT        19-20       2 S

                                                                4S            15-18       3 S                          

                                                2D           not used

                                                2H           6-9           at least 5+5 in H and S

                                                3H           10-11       at least 5+5 in H and S

1C           1S            2C           11-16       at least 5+5 in C and D

                                                PASS      6-9           no fit

                                                2D           6-9           to play

                                                2H           6-9           at least 5+5 in H and S

                                                2S            6-9           at least 6+ S

                                                2NT        10-11       game try  Stopper in both Majors                    

                                                3C           10-11       4+  C

                                                3D           10-11     4+  D

1C           1S            2D           21+          strong 2C bid asking for strength

                                                2H           6-7

                                                2S            8-9

                                                2NT        10-11

                                                                3C           21+          5+ C        (only way to show C)

1C           1S            2H                           not used

1C           1S            2S            11-15       4  S

1C           1S            2NT        17-18       balance hand

1C           1S            3C           17-19       5+5 in C and D (4C/4D keycard)

1C           1S            3D                           not used

1C           1S            3H           20-21       5+5 in C and D (there is no natural 3H bid) (4C/4D keycard)

1C           1S            3S            16-18       4  S

1C           1S            3NT        19-21       balance hand

1C           1S            4S            19-21       4  S

1C           1NT        6-11         no 4 card Majors

1C           1NT        2C           11-16       at least 5+5 in C and D

                                                PASS      6-9           no fit

                                                2D           6-9           to play

                                                2NT        10-11       game try  Stopper in both Majors                    

                                                3C           10-11       4+  C

                                                3D           10-11     4+  D

1C           1NT        2D           21+          strong 2C bid asking for strength

                                                2H           6-7

                                                2S            8-9

                                                2NT        10-11

1C           1NT        2H                           not used

1C           1NT        2S                            not used

1C           1NT        2NT        17-18       balance hand

1C           1NT        3C           17-19       5+5 in C and D

1C           1NT        3D                           not used

1C           1NT        3H                           not used

1C           1NT        3S                            not used

1C           1NT        3NT        19-21       balance hand

1C           2C           12+          4+ C

                                2D           11+          4 D

                                2H           11+          4 H

                                2S            11+          4 S

                                2NT        11+          4 C

3C           11-13       5+5 in C and D

3D           14-15       5+5 in C and D

3H           16-17       5+5 in C and D

3S            18-19       5+5 in C and D

3NT       20-12        5+5 in C and D                     

1C           2D           12+          4+ D

2H           11+          4 H

                                2S            11+          4  S

                                2NT        11+          no 4 card Major

3C           11-13       5+5 in C and D

3D           14-15       5+5 in C and D

3H           16-17       5+5 in C and D

3S            18-19       5+5 in C and D

3NT       20-12        5+5 in C and D                     

4D           21+          minor suit keycard

1C           2H           12+          4+ H

                                2S            11+          4 S

                                2NT        11+          no 4 card Major

3C           11-14       5+5 in C and D

3D           15-17       5+5 in C and D

3H           15+          4 H

3S            18-19       5+5 in C and D

3NT       20-21        5+5 in C and D



                                4H           11-14       4 H


                                4NT        21+          keycard in H

1C           2S            12+          4+ S

2NT        11+          no 4 card S

3C           11-14       5+5 in C and D

3D           15-17       5+5 in C and D

3H           18-19       5+5 in C and D

3S            15+          4 S

3NT       20-21        5+5 in C and D




                                4S            11-14       4S

                                4NT        21+          keycard in S



1C           2NT        12-13       no 4 card Majors

                                3C           11-17       5+5 in C and D want to play in C or D

                                3D           18-21       5+5 in C and D invitation to 6C or 6D

                                3H           21+          5+ H

                                3S            21+          5+ S

3NT                        to play

                                4C           21+          5+ C

                                4D           21+          5+ D

                                4NT                        Blackwood



1C           3NT        14-15       no 4 card Majors

                                4C           21+          5+ C

                                4D           21+          5+ D

                                4H           21+          5+ H

                                4S            21+          5+ S

                                5C           11-16       want to play in 5C or 5D

                                5D           17-21       want to play in 6C or 6D

                                4NT                        Blackwood  must have at least 1 A

                                                5C,5D,5H               bid 5S want to play in 5NT

                                                                                5NT ask for K

































Opening  1D  11-21 with exactly one 5+ card minor suit either C or D


                PASS      0-5           4+ D        (5HC 3+ D  or  4HC 4+D  or  0-3HC 5+ D )

****       1H           6-11         4+ H

                                0-5           anything except with D       special bid  ****

                1S            6-11         4+ S

                1NT        6-11         no 4 card M

                2C           12+          4+ C

                2D           12+          4+ D

                2H           12+          4+ H

                2S            12+          4+S

                2NT        12-13       no 4 card M

                3NT        14-15       no 4 card M


                The 1D opener ‘s next natural bid in a minor suit defines the 5+ card minor suit


1D           1H           0-5 anything          or            6 - 11  4+ H

(must bid 1S or 1NT to find out if responder has 0-5 HCP.  If responder has 0-5 must PASS or bid 2C. Other bids indicate 6-11 and 4+ H)

1D           1H           1S            11-21       4 S

                                                PASS      0-5           3+ S to play in S

                                                1NT        6-9           4 H         

                                                                PASS      11-15

                                                                2C           11-16       5+ C

                                                                2D           11-16       5+ D

                                                                2H           11-16       4 H

                                                                2S            11-16       4 S

                                                                2NT        16-18       invitational

                                                                3C           17-19       5+ C

                                                                3D           17-19       5+D

                                                                3H           17-19       4 H

                                                                3S            17-19       4 S

                                                                3NT        19-21      

                                                                                5C           correct to 5D want to play in minor suit

                                                2C           0-5           negative  ****

                                                                PASS or correct to 2D

                                                2D           10-11       4+ D

                                                2H           10-11       5+ H

                                                2S            6-11         4 S          

                                                2NT        10-11       4H


1D           1H           1NT        11-21       3- S

                                                PASS      0-5           to play in 1NT

                                                2C           0-5           negative  ****

PASS or correct to 2D

                                                2D           6-9           4 H         

                                                                PASS      11-16       5+ D

                                                                2H           11-16       4 H

                                                                2S            11-16       4 S

                                                                2NT        11-16       5+ C

3C           17-19       5+ C

                                                                3D           17-19       5+ D

                                                                3H           17-19       4 H

                                                                3S            17-19       4 S

                                                                3NT        19-21      

                                                                                5C           correct to 5D want to play in minor suit

2H           10-11       5+ H

                                                2S            10-11       4 S          

                                                2NT        10-11       4 H


 1D          1S            6-11         3- H         4+ S

                                1NT        11-16       3- S         stopper in H

                                2C           11-16       5+ C

                                2D           11-16       5+ D

                                2H           17-18       6+ C or D

                                                2S            6-9           5+ S

                                                2NT        6-7

                                                3C           10-11       3NT or 5 D             3 with Q or 4+ D

                                                3D           10-11       3NT or 5 C             3 with Q or 4+ C

                                                3NT        8-11

                                2S            11-16       4 S

                                2NT        17-18       3- S         stopper in H

                                3S            17-18       4 S

                                3NT        19-21       3- S         stopper in H



1D           1NT        6-11         no 4 card Majors


                                2C           11-16       5+ C

                                2D           11-16       5+ D

                                2H           17-18       stopper in H

                                2S            17-18       stopper in S

                                2NT        17-18       stopper in H and S

                                3C           19-21       6+ C

                                3D           19-21       6+ D

                                3H           19-21       stopper in H

                                3S            19-21       stopper in S

                                3NT        19-21       stopper in H and S









1D           2C           12+          4+ C

                                2D           11-16       5+D prefer D than NT (long and weak D suit)

                                2H           11-16       4 H

                                2S            11-16       4 S

                                2NT        11-16       no 4 card Majors prefer NT than minor suit

                                3C           11-16       5+ C prefer C than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3D           17-21       5+ D

                                3H           17-21       4 H

                                3S            17-21       4 S

                                3NT        17-21       no 4 card Majors

                                4C           17-21       keycard in C                         

                                4NT        17-21       Blackwood


1D           2D           12+          4+ C

                                2H           11-16       4 H

                                2S            11-16       4 S

                                2NT        11-16       no 4 card Majors prefer NT than minor suit

                                3C           11-16       5+ C prefer C than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3D           11-16       5+ D prefer D than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3H           17-21       4 H

                                3S            17-21       4 S

                                3NT        17-21       no 4 card Majors


                                4D           17-21       keycard in D                         

                                4NT        17-21       Blackwood           


1D           2H           12+          4+ C

                                2S            11-16       4 S

                                2NT        11-16       3- S  prefer NT than minor suit

                                3C           11-16       5+ C prefer C than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3D           11-16       5+ D prefer D than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3H           17-21       4 H

                                3S            17-21       4 S

                                3NT        17-21       no 4 card Majors

                                4C           17-21       prefer C over NT

                                4D           17-21       prefer D over NT

                                4H           11-16       4 H                         

                                4NT        17-21       Blackwood           


1D           2S            12+          4+ C                       

                                2NT        11-16       3- S  prefer NT than minor suit

                                3C           11-16       5+ C prefer C than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3D           11-16       5+ D prefer D than NT (long and weak C suit)


                                3S            17-21       4 S

                                3NT        17-21       3- S prefer NT than minor suit

                                4C           17-21       prefer C over NT

                                4D           17-21       prefer D over NT

                                4S            11-16       4 H                         

                                4NT        17-21       Blackwood



1D           2NT        12-13       no 4 card Majors

                                PASS      11-12

3C           11-12       5+ C prefer C than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3D           11-12       5+ D prefer D than NT (long and weak C suit)

                                3H           13-15       weak in S

                                3S            13-15       weak in H

                                3NT        13-19      

                                4C           15-17       prefer C over NT

                                4D           15-17       prefer D over NT


                                4NT        17-21       Blackwood

                                5C           17-19       want to play in C

                                5D           17-19       want to play in D


Opening 1NT (15-17 HC balance hand)


                PASS      0-8           8 or less HCL points

                2C                           non forcing stayman

                                                2D           rebid as follows:-

                                                                Pass        bad hand to play

                                                                2H           bad hand try to play in either 2H or 2S

                                                                2S            to play (bad hand 4 H 5 or 6 S)

                                                                2NT        8-9 HC 9 HCL may have no 4 card major.

                                                                3C           5+ C game forcing

                                                                3D           5+ D game forcing

                                                                3H           4H 5S game forcing

                                                                3S            5H 4S game forcing

                                                                3NT        to play

                                                                4H           6+H         4S

                                                                4S            6+S         4H

                                                2H           Pass        to play

                                                                2S            not used

                                                                2NT        8-9 HC 9 HCL may have no 4 card major.

3C           5+ C game forcing

                                                                3D           5+ D game forcing

3H           game inv

                                                                3S            not used

                                                                3NT        to play

                                                                4H           to play

                                                                4S            not used

                                                2S            Pass        to play                                                                                                                                                                    2NT        8-9 HC 9 HCL may have no 4 card major.

                                                                3C           5+ C game forcing

                                                                3D           5+ D game forcing

3H           not used

3S            game inv

                                                                3NT        to play

                                                                4H           not used

                                                                4S            to play                                                   


                2D,2H                     Jacoby Xfer to H and S

                                                Super accept if 17HC(3M) with 4 trumps

                                                (               rebid  other suit at the 3 level are 5+ card side suit

                                                                rebid  other suit at 4 level are at least 6+5 with 6 in first suit)

                2S                            MSS or 3D 

                                                2NT no 4 card minor. Rebid 3D is a diamond bust.

                                                3C           4+ C.       Correct to 3D for diamond bust.

                                                3D           4+ D

                2NT                        4441 / 3C.

                                                Must relay to 3C. Bid suit that is singleton if 4441 (3NT for club singleton)

                3C,3D                     invitation to game with 6+ minor suit  7-8 HC

                3H                           slam try 6+

                3S                            slam try 6+

                3NT                        to play                                                                                                   

                4C                           Gerber

                4D,4H                     Texas Xfer to H and S

                4NT                        invitation to slam


Further details for two major suits game forcing:-

4/4                                           use 2C to find 4/4 fit in H os S.

5/4 in S and H                       use 2C to find 4 card H/S.  If response 2D no 4 card major bid 3H Smolen.

4/5 in S and H                       use 2C to find 4 card H/S.  If response 2D no 4 card major bid 3S Smolen.

4/6 in S/H                               use 2C to find 4 card H/S. If response 2D bid 4H.

6/4 in S/H                               use 2C to find 4 card H/S. If response 2D bid 4S.

5/5 in S/H                               bid 2H xfer to 2S then bid 3H

6/5 in S/H                               bid 2H to xfer to 2S then bid 4H

5/6 in S/H                               bid 2D xfer to 2H then bid 3S

6/6 in S/H                               bid 2H xfer to 2S then bid 3H (showing at least 5/5). If partner bid 3NT 2/2 in                                                          the majors, bid 4H for 6/6.


5 card heart suit:-

Game invitation    2D xfer to 2H. Bid 2NT to invite to game.

Game forcing         2D xfer to 2H. Bid 3NT to force to game.

Slam invitation      2D xfer to 2H. Bid 4NT for slam invitation with NT hand.


5 card spade suit:-

Game invitation    2H xfer to 2S. Bid 2NT to invite to game.

Game forcing         2H xfer to 2S. Bid 3NT to force to game.

Slam invitation      2H xfer to 2S. Bid 4NT for slam invitation with NT hand.


6+ card heart suit:-

Game invitation    2D xfer to 2H. Bid 3H to invite to game.

Game forcing         4D xfer to 4H.

Slam invitation      2D xfer to 2H. Bid 4H for slam invitation in hearts only.

Slam try                  3H.          6+ H with enough HCP for NT slam try also.


6+ card spade suit:-

Game invitation    2H xfer to 2S. Bid 3S to invite to game.

Game forcing         4H xfer to 4S.

Slam invitation      2H xfer to 2S. Bid 4S for slam invitation in spades only.

Slam try                  3H.          6+ S with enough HCP for NT slam try also.


Minor suit invitation to 3NT or minor game:-

3C or 3D.


Minor suit forcing to game in 3NT or minor game:-

Use 2C Stayment, then bid 3C or 3D.


Minor suit game forcing to minor suit game only and no slam interest:-

2NT xfer to 3C then bid 5C to play.

2C and hope partner bids 2D and bid 5D for game in D.


Minor suit slam try:-

Start with either 2C if 4 card major plus long minors or 2S MSS.


No minor suit game invitation to minor suit only. Take a chance and invite for 3NT or 5m or bid 5m. 4 of a minor is one of the worse contract possible in MP scoring.







Opening 2NT (20-21 HC)


                PASS      0-4 HC or 0-5 HCL

                3C                           Stayman                                

                3D,3H                     Jacoby Xfer to H and S

                3S                            MSS

                3NT                        to play

                4C                           Gerber

                4D,4H                     Texas Xfer to H and S

                4NT                        invitation to slam

                5C                           invitation to 6C

                5D                           invitation to 6D   










Opening 2C (8-10HC 6 card C or D or 9-10 HC 5 card D or 11-16 HC 4441) 


Normally respond by bidding 2D unless interested in game. Since response by partner with good suit will pass the 3 level of the minor suit, must have a hand that can play 3NT if partner has good D or C.               

2NT is the only forcing bid. Responses are 3C C weak suit, 3D D weak suit’ 3H C strong suit, 3S D strong suit.


If the 2C bid is 4441 and 15-17 HCP and partner bid 2D, must respond by bidding 2H if short in H, 2S if short in S, 2NT if short in C and 3C if short in D.  If 2C bid is 4441 and 15-17 HCP and partner bid 2NT (16+ HCP) a small slam is almost a sure thing if you can find a 4/4 fit in a suit.



Opening 2D (8-10HC 5 cards H or S or 17-22HC 4441)


Normally respond by bidding 2H unless interested in game. 2NT is the only forcing bid. Response 3C H weak suit, 3D S weak suit. 3H H strong suit, 3S S strong suit.


If 2D bid is 4441 and 17-22 HCP, and partner bids 2H, must bid 2NTif short S, 3C if short C, 3D if short D and 3H is short H. 



Opening 2H (5-10HC 6 card H)


                RONF, 2NT Ogust


Opening 2S (5-10HC 6 card S)


                RONF, 2NT Ogust









Competitive bidding      incomplete


1C opening


1C           X             PASS      0-5

                                XX          9 +           only forcing bid

                                1D           6-9           4+ D

1H           6-9           4+ H

1S            6-9           4+ S

1NT        6-9

2C           6-9           5+ C       

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card


                1D           PASS      0-5

                                X             6+            4+4 in H and S

                                1H           6+            4+ H 3- S

1S            6+            4+ S 3- H

1NT        6-10

2C           10+          5+ C

2D           13+          cue bid is opening hand

2NT        11-12

3NT        13-15      

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card


                1H           PASS      0-5

                                X             6+            4 S

                                1S            6+            5 + S

                                1NT        6 -10

                                2C           10+          5+ C

                                2D           10+          5+ D

2H           13+          cue bid is opening hand

2NT        11-12

3NT        13-15

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card


                1S            PASS      0-5

                                X             6+            4+ H

                                1NT        6-11         may have 4+ S

2C           10+          5+ C

                                2D           10+          5+ D

2H           10+          5+ H

2S            13+          cue bid is opening hand

2NT        11-12

3NT        13-15

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card





                3C and above




1D opening


1D           X             XX          9 +           only forcing bid   

1H           6-9           4+ H

1S            6-9           4+ S

1NT        6-9

2C           6-9           5+ C

2D           6-9           5+ D       

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card  


                1H           PASS      0-5

                                X             6+            4 S

                                1S            6+            5 + S

                                1NT        6 -10

                                2C           10+          5+ C

                                2D           10+          5+ D

2H           13+          cue bid is opening hand

2NT        11-12

3NT        13-15

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card


                1S            PASS      0-5

                                X             6+            4+ H

                                1NT        6-11         may have 4+ S

2C           10+          5+ C

                                2D           10+          5+ D

2H           10+          5+ H

2S            13+          cue bid is opening hand

2NT        11-12

3NT        13-15

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card





                3C and above







1H opening


1H           X             XX          9+            no fit 2- H

1S            6-9           4+ S

1NT        6-9

2C           6-9           5+ C

2D           6-9           5+ D

2H           5-9           3+ H       

2NT        9+            limit or better 3+ H

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card  



                1S            X             6-12         4+4 in C and D

                                1NT        6-11         may have 4+ S

2C           10+          5+ C

2D           10+          5+ D

                                2H           5-10         3 H

2S            13+          cue bid is opening hand


                1NT        X             6+            any distribution no fit

2C           10+          5+C

2D           10+          5+D

                                2H           6-10         3+ H

2S            10+          5+S

3H           0-5           3+ H with honor or 4+H

2NT        10+          limit or better 3+ H

Jump shift 0-5       6+ card  


                2C           X             8+            4+ S

                                2D           10+          4+ D

                                2H           6-10         3-4 H

2S            10+          5+S

2NT        10+          inv to 3NT, 2 or 1 H

                                3C           10+          3+ H   (cue bid)

                                Jump shift 0-5       6+ card


2D           X             8+            4+ S                       

                                2H           6-10         3-4 H

2S            10+          5+S

                                3C           12+          4+ C

                                3D           10+          3+ H   (cue bid)

                                Jump shift 0-5       6+ card


                2H           X             8+            4+ S

2S            10+          5+S

2NT        10+          limit or better 3+ H

                                3C           12+          4+ C

                                3D           12+          4+ D

                                3H           0-6           3+ H


2S            X             8+            4+4 in C and D     

2NT        10+          inv to 3NT 1 or 2 H


                                3C           12+          4+ C

                                3D           12+          4+ D

                                3H                           competitive

3S            12+          game forcing                        

                                4H                           to play


                3C and above

                everything is off, all bids are competitive




1S opening       to be completed ignore for the mean time







1NT opening (Use Lebonsolb slow shows stopper for all known opponents suits,   System on over double,  Texas Xfer on ,  XX xfer to 2C and X over 2C is Stayman with stopper and all other X is for penalty )



1NT        X             XX          must relay to  2C (then PASS or can correct to 2D)

                                system on


                2C           X             If 2C is a bid with any known suit double is Stayman with stopper

                                                Otherwise double is just regular Stayman

2D,2H,2S                to play

                                3D,3H,3S                forcing

                                3C           Cue bid is Stayman with no stopper in some opponent suit

                                2NT        3C           3D,3H,3S                invitational

                                                                3NT        with stopper in all suits

                                3NT        no stopper in some opponent suit

                                4C is Gerber

                                4D,4H     Xfer to 4H and 4S

                                4NT is quantitative


                2D           X             penalty for all suits indicated by the 2D bid

                                2H,2S      to play

                                3C,3H,3S                forcing

                                3D           Cue bid is Stayman with no stopper in all suits

                                2NT        3C           3H,3S      invitational

                                                                3D           Cue bid is Stayman with stopper in all suits

                                                                3NT        with stopper in all suits

                                3NT        no stopper in some opponent suit


                2H           X             penalty

                                2S            to play

                                3C,3D,3S                forcing

                                3H           Cue bid is Stayman with no stopper in all suits

                                2NT        3C           PASS or 3D to play

3S            invitational

                                                                3H           Cue bid is Stayman with stopper in all suits

                                                                3NT        with stopper in all suits

                                3NT        no stopper in some opponent suit


2S            X             penalty

                                3C,3D,3H               forcing

                                3S            Cue bid is Stayman with no stopper in all suits

                                2NT        3C           PASS or 3D,3H to play

3S            Cue bid is Stayman with stopper in all suits                                   

                                                                3NT        with stopper in all suits

                                3NT        no stopper in some opponent suit









CRASH against strong 2C openings


Condition:-       Any artificial bid of 1C,1D 2C or 2D that is 16+ HCP

the shape should be at least 5+4.  When you are going to play at the 3 level the distribution must be at least 5 cards. When you are going to play at the 4 level, the distribution must be a good 5 or 6+. If vulnerable be careful when force to play at the 3 or 4 level. If non-vulnerable verse vulnerable you can take a lot of risk.  


1C           X             color

                1D           rank

                1NT        shape



1D           X             color

                1NT        rank

                2C           shape                     (If  D is not available use C and never H or S)                                 



2C           X             color

                2D           rank

                2NT        shape


2D           X             color

                2NT        rank

                3C           shape                     (better have at least 5 good C, will be playing in 4C)


DONT against strong and weak NT opening.


Almost always bid in balance seat.  Only look for a reasonable fit and not seek a game contract against 15 – 17 NT.





Cheung’s DESTROY against strong 1C 16+ HC points.


0 – 9 HCL bid at 2 level if has 5+ card in a suit or else x.

9-13 HCL bid at 1 level. 1D, 1H,1S has 5+ cards or else bid 1NT

Opening hand       PASS!!!!!!