Sample Output
Output Description
Run Time Window
Menu display

This is a description of the older version of the program.

The following is a simple instruction for how to run the Cheung's Bridge Hand Generating and Statistic program.  This is a windows application written in C++.

When you run the program you pull down the menu “enter hand conditions”

Under it there are 4 sections for hand1(north) hand2(south)  hand3(east) and hand4. 

Initially only use condition1 and forget about condition2 or for hand 1 specific 13 cards. 

Select hand one condition 1 and look at the dialog window.

(the hand2 and hand3 condition 1 dialog window are identical to hand 1 condition1). 

The first 4 row are inclusive conditions and the second 4 row are exclusive conditions.

Any hand that satisfy the exclusive conditions will be thrown away first.

The first 2 column defines the hcp range for that row. 

Let’s say you want to select all the 15-17 NT hands.

Enter 15 and 17 into the first row 1st col and 2nd col.

The next 2 columns are conditions A and condition B and both conditions must be satisfied for the hand to be selected.

There are 20 simple conditions list there and 1 is NT. 

Put 1 in row 1 col 3

Any unused locations should have a 0 in it. 

Click the ok button. 

Select menu Bridge Program and select run get statistic.

The run time dialog box will display.

Click “start” button or the enter key

Every 10 seconds values will be display for the simulation. 

You can click the stop and get result button anytime to stop and get result. 

There are many statistical info display and the last page are examples of hands generated. 

Go to help and help hand condition1

It tell you some extra conditions you can use. 

To get sample hands for 1h opening for north and 4 or more heart in the south hand:- 

For hand 1 condition 1 put 11 21 10 0 in the first row

For hand 2 condition 1 put 0 37 5044 0 in the first row

For hand 3 condition 1 put 0 37 2 0 in the first row (this will take all hands)

For hand 4 condition 1 put 0 37 2 0 in the first row (this will take all hands) 

Select menu Bridge Program and select run get statistic.

The run time dialog box will display.

Click “start” button or the enter key

Every 10 seconds values will be display for the simulation. 

You can click the stop and get result button anytime to stop and get result. 

Now if you look at the end of the window you will see sample hands to try out your 1h bidding using Bergen raise.

All north hands are 1 heart openings and all south hands has 4 or more hearts