
The Cheung's 5 card Minor System is for match point pair games only. Thus most of the weakness in the system does not hurt as much in MP as in IMP. I have run millions of  computer simulated bridge hands and analyze many results for my system. It is the result of my research work on statistics, strategies and game theory in the game of bridge.

  • The most drastic part is the 1C and 1D opening. instead of the normal 1C and 1D opening hand I open 1D if I have exactly one minor suit with 5 or more cards. I open 1C with either no 5 card minor suit; or at least 5/5 in the minors.  A very simple version of the Cheung's 5 card Minor System is this change in 1C and 1D opening and add your normal 2/1 Bergen raise bidding system. It is very easy to learn.
  • The simple version of the Cheung's 5 card Minor System adds a weaker weak 2 opening with 5 cards, and a modify 2/1 for the majors with all response to 1M at the 1 level 6-12 HCP and 2 level 12+ HCP.
  • The normal Cheung's 5 card Minor System adds the strong 2C bid into the 1C bid. Weak 2/3/4 system include 2C similar to some multi 2d bid. This gives more precise meaning to all the weak two bid and opens 70% of all the hands.  The disadvantage is that there is very little preemptive value. But in MP this does not hurt as much as in IMP. Also sometimes you may miss a game if your partner has a good hand and have no room to  describe the hand.
  • The complete Cheung's 5 card Minor System include many asking bid and relay bid to describe the hand. I am currently not convenes that all that extra is really worth it. It is hard to remember all the sequences. Also against average player there is no need for that extra information. But against top players, extra information can help them in their defense.