How to get the Java Bridge Applet. last update 4/17/97

email to pcheung

Easy way to just try it out

You can change the applet URL to link to my site directly. Just add codebase = "http:\\\~pcheung" (you may need \web_docs at the end) inside the applet tag of the HTML file. This should work but I have not try it myself. If you have problem doing it email me. This would be a good way to verify your HTML data files also.

Click here to download a zip file of all the java classes, four suit image files and example html files.

You may need to change the code base parameter in the HTML file to point to your URL or local disk for it to work.

Copy it from your disk cache if you want them now

Email me for the request

email me if you want me to send them to you by email.

In the mean time you can also change the applet URL to link to my site directly. Just add codebase = "http:\\\~pcheung" (you may need \web_docs) inside the applet tag of the HTML file.