
I am going to look at some data for standard Flannery 11-16 HCP 5H 4S.

 Percent for Flannery hands is   0.812% which is very small to use the 2D bid.

** best contract(NT or suit)    average trick is  9.361

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.02%   0.02%    4 =   0.28%   0.30%    5 =   1.42%   1.72%    6 =   4.22%   5.95%    7 =   9.02%  14.97%    8 =  15.48%  30.45%    9 =  20.88%  51.33%  10 =  21.11%  72.44%   11 =  16.57%  89.01%   12 =   8.71%  97.73%   13 =   2.27% 100.00% 

** best suit contract    average trick is  9.347

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.02%   0.02%    4 =   0.28%   0.31%    5 =   1.45%   1.76%    6 =   4.27%   6.03%    7 =   9.12%  15.15%    8 =  15.58%  30.73%    9 =  21.00%  51.73%   10 =  21.01%  72.74%   11 =  16.39%  89.13%   12 =   8.61%  97.74%   13 =   2.26% 100.00% 

** no trump    average trick is  7.052

  0 =   0.27%   0.27%    1 =   0.74%   1.02%    2 =   2.07%   3.09%    3 =   4.33%   7.42%    4 =   7.36%  14.78%    5 =  11.06%  25.84%    6 =  15.95%  41.79%    7 =  16.24%  58.03%    8 =  14.57%  72.59%    9 =  10.54%  83.14%   10 =   8.22%  91.35%   11 =   5.00%  96.35%   12 =   2.82%  99.16%   13 =   0.84% 100.00% 


The only time Flannery opening may have an advantage is if you open 1H and the opponent overcall and your partner could not bid spade or use negative double to show 4 + spade. So let’s see how often that happens. We will assume the opponent has a 5+ suit, and >= 10 HCL point to overcall.  Your partner has 4+ spade and <= 8 HCL. 

percent for 1st hands is   0.812%

percent for 2nd hands is  12.748%

percent for 3rd hands is  53.375%

percent for all four hands is                   0.055% 

This happens about once every 2000 hands for north, or once every 1000 deals for NS combined. 

Not only that, when it happen NS have an advantage playing the hand only about 36.5% of the time. 

North South results

** best contract(NT or suit)    average trick is  8.249

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.02%   0.02%    4 =   0.36%   0.38%    5 =   2.33%   2.71%    6 =   8.27%  10.98%    7 =  18.49%  29.47%    8 =  27.62%  57.09%    9 =  24.08%  81.17%   10 =  13.24%  94.41%   11 =   4.49%  98.90%   12 =   1.07%  99.96%   13 =   0.04% 100.00% 

** best suit contract    average trick is  8.247

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.02%   0.02%    4 =   0.38%   0.40%    5 =   2.35%   2.75%    6 =   8.25%  11.00%    7 =  18.54%  29.54%    8 =  27.62%  57.16%    9 =  24.04%  81.20%   10 =  13.21%  94.41%   11 =   4.49%  98.90%   12 =   1.07%  99.96%   13 =   0.04% 100.00% 

East West results

** best contract(NT or suit)    average trick is  9.522

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.00%   0.00%    4 =   0.02%   0.02%    5 =   0.16%   0.18%    6 =   1.61%   1.79%    7 =   6.46%   8.25%    8 =  15.07%  23.32%    9 =  24.71%  48.03%   10 =  26.97%  75.00%   11 =  17.13%  92.13%   12 =   7.00%  99.13%   13 =   0.87% 100.00% 

** best suit contract    average trick is  9.507

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.00%   0.00%    4 =   0.02%   0.02%    5 =   0.20%   0.22%    6 =   1.74%   1.95%    7 =   6.48%   8.43%    8 =  15.34%  23.77%    9 =  24.66%  48.43%   10 =  26.77%  75.20%   11 =  16.99%  92.19%   12 =   6.95%  99.13%   13 =   0.87% 100.00% 

This is for both not vul

North south make        991   17.93% 321.98           East west make       2317   41.91% -371.33

North south sac       1191   21.54% -211.50           East west sac        1029   18.61% 163.27