I am using the 1C opening example here to explain each section. 1. A description of the condition of the computer simulation. North, south, east, west, north and south combined. Four inclusive conditions and 4 exclusive conditions for each. Exclusive conditions has higher priority over inclusive conditions (if a hand satisfies both condition it will be excluded). HCP of 0 to -1 means do not select. Special point count system is A=6,K=4,Q=1.8,J=0.8). The north hand is selected for all 1C hand with no 5 card major and HCL >=12. HCP range is 10 to 22. We excluded all 15 to 17 and 20 to 21 NT hands. 2. How often does each hand occur. In this case 9.47% of the hands screened is a 1C opening as defined in 1. We did not put any conditions in the other hands so 100% of them are selected. 3. 1st and 2nd hand HCP is a control to visually check the simulation is reasonable. 4. Double dummy results. File names and how many deals in the file. Both north/south and east/west results. The first % is the individual % and the second is the cumulative %. Some statistical parameters are printed for a few results. Correlation coef is comparing the number of tricks taken to the hand evaluation tool like HCP or HCLS. The next section is the scores for the best each side can do, analysis of the best (NT or suit) and NT contracts. 5. Combined north/south hand statistics. The longest trump suits must be 8 or more and the higher ranking suit has priority. (e.g. if both spade and heart are tie for 9 cards it is counted as spade) The DD trump suit is the highest score contract with higher ranking suit has priority. (e.g. NT makes one and club makes 2 will be recorded as NT) Total trick distribution is for law of total trick. HCP, HCL, HCLS, short suit points (for 8+ card fit only), long suit points, controls, LTC are calculated. 6. Individual hands. The hand distribution is included at the end.HCP, HCL, HCLS, short suit points (for 8+ card fit only), long suit points, controls, LTC are calculated. 7. Some sample hands for visual checking of the simulation. |