Example of a match between two computer programs
This is an example to show you the basic features of the bridge applet. You can use it to make yourself more familiar with how to use the controls.
On the left you should see the complete hand. On the right you only see some blank space and no bidding sequence.
Click the 'PLAY' button and watch the bidding sequence play itself out. End up with West bidding 4H.
Click the 'play recorded hand' button to change mode.
Click the 'PLAY' button and watch the recored hand sequence play itself out. Notice the only action button active is the 'STOP' button while the hand is playing.
Click 'STOP' to stop the play in the middle of the hand and all the other action button become enabled.
Click 'NEXT' to play the next card. Click 'BACK' to go back one card. While the play of the hand is going on the NS trick and EW trick shows the number of tricks won by each side.
Now change mode by clicking the 'play hand yourself' button. Notice the status line said "play hand yourself" "trump = heart" "south to play". Also the third line of button become active for changing trump and leader.
Click at the diamond 4 card in the south hand. It will turn red in background and white color character. Click at the diamond 2 card in west hand. The Diamond 4 will change to white background to show the card play in the current round. Click any card not a diamond in the north hand and nothing will happen. The program will not let you not follow suit. Try to play a few more cards.
Click the 'play recorded hand' button to change mode. Click 'END' to go to the end of play. You will see "claim = 11" and "score = +650" NS trick 2 and EW trick 11.
You can click NEXT TABLE to see the same hand bid and play differently in the other table. Click NEXT HAND to go to next example hand.