
Here is the statistic results from double dummy analysis for the best scores assuming if you go down it is doubled.

  • With unfavorable vulnerability the computer simulation results says you should bid and make your contract 32.4% and sacrefly 1.7%.
  • With favorable vulnerability you should bid and make 48% of the time and sacrefly 17.6 % of the time.

This is for both not vul
North south make 418912 38.36% 423.71  (total # of hands, % of all hands, average score)
North south sac 127454 11.67% -201.03
East west make 418342 38.31% -424.45
East west sac 127373 11.66% 199.63

This is for NS vul
North south make 353861 32.40% 543.42
North south sac 18425 1.69% -349.24
East west make 527371 48.29% -389.25
East west sac 192424 17.62% 391.87

This is for EW vul
North south make 527745 48.32% 388.49
North south sac 192595 17.64% -393.42
East west make 353201 32.34% -544.03
East west sac 18540 1.70% 345.06

This is for both vul
North south make 486202 44.52% 513.52
North south sac 60274 5.52% -651.40
East west make 485522 44.46% -514.20
East west sac 60083 5.50% 647.41

North south cannot make any contract = 18.44%
North south make partial contract = 50.80%
North south make any game = 24.00%
North south make any small slam = 5.29%
North south make any grand slam = 1.47%

East West cannot make any contract = 18.53%
East West make partial contract = 50.74%
East West make any game = 23.92%
East West make any small slam = 5.34%
East West make any grand slam = 1.47%