4441 and 8 HCP is the strongest hand with 8 HCP.
Here is the more detail computer analysis of all 4441 with 8HCP
North south cannot make any contract = 0.00% East West cannot make any
contract = 40.18%
North south make partial contract = 37.43% East West make partial contract =
North south make any game = 56.11%
East West make any game = 2.43%
North south make any small slam = 5.82% East West make any small slam = 0.06%
North south make any grand slam = 0.64% East West make any grand slam = 0.00%
North south cannot make any NT contract = 12.22% East West cannot make any NT
contract = 97.76%
North south make partial NT contract = 50.61% East West make partial NT contract
= 2.18%
North south make NT game = 37.04% East West make NT game = 0.06%
North south make NT small slam = 0.13% East West make NT small slam = 0.00%
North south make NT grand slam = 0.00% East West make NT grand slam = 0.00%
North south NT makes more then suit = 24.95% East West NT makes more then suit =
North south NT makes equal to suit = 2.88% East West NT makes equal to suit =
North south NT makes less then suit = 72.17% East West NT makes less then suit =
Play 1NT / 2NT for 4441/ 3C is a good convention. If you play this 4441
convention for 1NT response you should go to game with all 4441 hands and 8HCP.
If you do not play the 4441 / 3C convention, at least use 2C stayment to find
the 4/4 fit in a major and bid 2NT to invite if no 4/4 major fit found.