
Different partnerships use different criteria for opening 1NT. One major difference is in opening 1NT with 5 card majors (see other section for data). The other is whether you have stopper or not. Opening with 5 cards major is a matter of preference and I happen to choose not to do so. I believe I can have a very complete system to handle 5 card major opening and would not want to include them in 1NT.  I do not think there is any significant difference in the two approaches (assuming you use puppet Stayman to find 5 card major).

Opening 1NT with some stopper requirement especially for the doubletons is another story. Some players insist that it is a good requirement for opening 1NT. My preference is to have no requirements. There is really no significant difference in the general strength of the 1NT opening whether you have stopper requirements or not. But stopper requirements will reduce the % of hands you will open 1NT from 4.9% to as low as 2.5% of your hands.  If you do not feel secure enough, how about just requiring no 2 nonstop doubleton. Almost all 1NT hands satisfy this requirement.

Here is some data form about 3.5 million random hands for those who want to look at (detail computer output is in the computer output section):- 

1.                  no requirements on stoppers ( condition 1 in my program) 

percent for 1st hands is   4.914%

** best contract(NT or suit)    average trick is  9.516

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.01%   0.01%    4 =   0.10%   0.11%    5 =   0.80%   0.91%    6 =   3.13%   4.04%    7 =   7.95%  11.99%    8 =  14.92%  26.91%    9 =  21.04%  47.95%   10 =  22.59%  70.54%   11 =  17.88%  88.42%   12 =   9.10%  97.52%   13 =   2.48% 100.00% 

This is for both not vul

North south make     114223   67.05% 449.05           East west make      24192   14.20% -235.52

North south sac      13214    7.76% -137.61           East west sac       18733   11.00% 193.76

North south cannot make any contract  =   4.04%       East West cannot make any contract  =  39.80% 

North south  make partial contract  =  43.52%         East West  make partial contract  =  53.04% 

North south make any game  =  40.86%                  East West make any game  =   6.86% 

North south  make any small slam  =   9.10%           East West  make any small slam  =   0.28% 

North south  make any grand slam  =   2.48%           East West  make any grand slam  =   0.02% 

North south cannot make any NT contract  =  24.77%    East West cannot make any NT contract  =  84.25% 

North south  make partial NT contract  =  32.88%      East West  make partial NT contract  =  13.19% 

North south make NT game  =  35.55%                   East West make NT game  =   2.56% 

North south  make NT small slam  =   5.29%            East West  make NT small slam  =   0.01% 

North south  make NT grand slam  =   1.51%            East West  make NT grand slam  =   0.00% 

North south NT makes more then suit  =  36.92%        East West NT makes more then suit  =   4.73% 

North south NT makes equal to suit  =   3.94%         East West NT makes equal to suit  =   3.69% 

North south NT makes less then suit  =  59.14%        East West NT makes less then suit  =  91.58% 


2.                  Most strict requirement, must have A or KX or Qxx or xxxx in all suit (1 and 194) 

percent for 1st hands is   2.528%

** best contract(NT or suit)    average trick is  9.510

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.01%   0.01%    4 =   0.12%   0.13%    5 =   0.91%   1.04%    6 =   3.22%   4.26%    7 =   7.92%  12.18%    8 =  14.96%  27.14%    9 =  20.84%  47.98%   10 =  22.33%  70.31%   11 =  18.04%  88.35%   12 =   9.29%  97.64%   13 =   2.36% 100.00% 

This is for both not vul

North south make      60246   68.73% 447.68           East west make      11928   13.61% -224.37

North south sac       6234    7.11% -131.78           East west sac        9246   10.55% 191.64

North south make      65568   74.80% 584.06           East west make      16808   19.18% -239.59

North south sac       1354    1.54% -446.16           East west sac        3924    4.48% 696.64

North south cannot make any contract  =   4.26%       East West cannot make any contract  =  40.92% 

North south  make partial contract  =  42.21%         East West  make partial contract  =  52.92% 

North south make any game  =  41.88%                  East West make any game  =   5.96% 

North south  make any small slam  =   9.29%           East West  make any small slam  =   0.20% 

North south  make any grand slam  =   2.36%           East West  make any grand slam  =   0.01% 

North south cannot make any NT contract  =  22.98%    East West cannot make any NT contract  =  84.72% 

North south  make partial NT contract  =  32.49%      East West  make partial NT contract  =  12.81% 

North south make NT game  =  37.78%                   East West make NT game  =   2.46% 

North south  make NT small slam  =   5.37%            East West  make NT small slam  =   0.01% 

North south  make NT grand slam  =   1.38%            East West  make NT grand slam  =   0.00% 

North south NT makes more then suit  =  38.33%        East West NT makes more then suit  =   4.81% 

North south NT makes equal to suit  =   3.98%         East West NT makes equal to suit  =   3.76% 

North south NT makes less then suit  =  57.69%        East West NT makes less then suit  =  91.43%

3.                  no two nonstop doubletons (condition 13) 

percent for 1st hands is   4.788%

** best contract(NT or suit)    average trick is  9.513

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.01%   0.01%    4 =   0.10%   0.11%    5 =   0.81%   0.93%    6 =   3.15%   4.08%    7 =   7.98%  12.06%    8 =  14.94%  26.99%    9 =  20.97%  47.97%   10 =  22.59%  70.56%   11 =  17.86%  88.42%   12 =   9.12%  97.54%   13 =   2.46% 100.00% 

This is for both not vul

North south make     111713   67.29% 448.54           East west make      23504   14.16% -232.89

North south sac      12645    7.62% -135.95           East west sac       18144   10.93% 193.45

North south cannot make any contract  =   4.08%       East West cannot make any contract  =  40.02% 

North south  make partial contract  =  43.38%         East West  make partial contract  =  53.03% 

North south make any game  =  40.96%                  East West make any game  =   6.68% 

North south  make any small slam  =   9.12%           East West  make any small slam  =   0.26% 

North south  make any grand slam  =   2.46%           East West  make any grand slam  =   0.02% 

North south cannot make any NT contract  =  24.53%    East West cannot make any NT contract  =  84.29% 

North south  make partial NT contract  =  32.91%      East West  make partial NT contract  =  13.16% 

North south make NT game  =  35.78%                   East West make NT game  =   2.54% 

North south  make NT small slam  =   5.29%            East West  make NT small slam  =   0.01% 

North south  make NT grand slam  =   1.50%            East West  make NT grand slam  =   0.00% 

North south NT makes more then suit  =  37.08%        East West NT makes more then suit  =   4.74% 

North south NT makes equal to suit  =   3.95%         East West NT makes equal to suit  =   3.72% 

North south NT makes less then suit  =  58.98%        East West NT makes less then suit  =  91.54% 


4.                  No nonstop doubleton ( condition 25) 

percent for 1st hands is   2.917%

** best contract(NT or suit)    average trick is  9.471

  0 =   0.00%   0.00%    1 =   0.00%   0.00%    2 =   0.00%   0.00%    3 =   0.01%   0.01%    4 =   0.14%   0.15%    5 =   0.93%   1.08%    6 =   3.43%   4.51%    7 =   8.26%  12.77%    8 =  15.27%  28.04%    9 =  21.08%  49.11%   10 =  21.99%  71.10%   11 =  17.34%  88.44%   12 =   9.23%  97.67%   13 =   2.33% 100.00% 

This is for both not vul

North south make      68780   68.01% 444.88           East west make      14351   14.19% -221.18

North south sac       7215    7.13% -130.82           East west sac       10788   10.67% 195.61

North south cannot make any contract  =   4.51%       East West cannot make any contract  =  40.43% 

North south  make partial contract  =  42.85%         East West  make partial contract  =  53.39% 

North south make any game  =  41.09%                  East West make any game  =   5.99% 

North south  make any small slam  =   9.23%           East West  make any small slam  =   0.18% 

North south  make any grand slam  =   2.33%           East West  make any grand slam  =   0.01% 

North south cannot make any NT contract  =  22.96%    East West cannot make any NT contract  =  84.76% 

North south  make partial NT contract  =  33.09%      East West  make partial NT contract  =  12.79% 

North south make NT game  =  37.16%                   East West make NT game  =   2.45% 

North south  make NT small slam  =   5.37%            East West  make NT small slam  =   0.00% 

North south  make NT grand slam  =   1.43%            East West  make NT grand slam  =   0.00% 

North south NT makes more then suit  =  39.25%        East West NT makes more then suit  =   4.63% 

North south NT makes equal to suit  =   4.13%         East West NT makes equal to suit  =   3.58% 

North south NT makes less then suit  =  56.62%        East West NT makes less then suit  =  91.79%