

Please refer to the sample output page.  It may be easier if you have a print out of the sample output page. to compare with the explanation.

  • total time is how long the simulation was run.
  • First hand parameters list out all the conditions you entered for hand 1. It listed the hand condition 1 first . it has 4 inclusive and 4 exclusive situations. Only one inclusive condition is used and it is 11 to 22 HCP, 1C with NT hand and club length is 5. It uses 2 exclusive condition to exclude 15-17 NT and 20-22 NT (20-21 2NT and part of 22-23 2c/2NT bids).
  • Then it repeats for second, third and fourth hands. I use the hand condition 2 to select all hands for the remaining 3 hands. You can use hand condition 1 to do the same thing by entering 0 37 2 0 as the inclusive condition.
  • Then it tell you what % of the time each hand is found. for hand 1 it is 3.63 %. It is 100% for the other hands because we did not exclude any hand for the remaining hands.
  • The next set of statistic is the HCP distribution for all the hands.  This is used as quality control only. The first hand is the most important one. It should always be like what you see. Since the first hand has removed more then the average 10 HCP the second hand's HCP distribution is shifted slightly lower. The third one should be the same as the second one because we did not exclude any hands for the second hand.
  • The next section is for the combined north (hand 1) and south hand (hand 2). The suit HCP and length are given in %. The second % is the cumulative % to locate the average easier. Look at the club length. 7 = 29.2% 45.66%. This means 29.2% of the time the combined two hand has 7 clubs. 45.66% of the time the combined hand has 7 or less clubs. You chance to have 8 or more clubs is 100%-45.66% = about 54%.  You have better then even chance to have 8 or more clubs. The next three sub section show you the HCP distribution. The first subsection is the raw count, the second is the actual % and the third is the cumulative %. Using the cumulative % subsection you can tell your mean HCP is about 21.5
  • Then come the statistics for each hand. It has everything plus the distribution of the hand. Look at the north hand. There are only 4 possible distribution. The most likely one is 5431 and then 5332. You may wonder why this strange result. Actually the reason is very simple. A lot of the 5332 hands are NT hands and thus excluded from the north hand. The same is true for the 5422 distribution.
  • The last part are some sample hands for quality control check or bidding and playing practice.